
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are excited to announce the addition of Go to our suite of multi-file project capabilities, alongside our existing offerings in C++, Java, and Python.
With our Go Multi-file Project, interviewers can now create more comprehensive and realistic coding scenarios that reflect actual development tasks.
Language Screenshot - Go Project
You can access this by opening up the Language Switch panel from the bottom of your screen.
Happy Interviewing!
We have just introduced three most popular frameworks for our users. Bringing both interviewers and candidates closer to real-life scenarios.
You can now prepare interviews for Django, Ruby on Rails and Spring Boot.
While we already have frameworks focused on the front-end, adding these three will further enhance the experience of assessing skills in full stack interviews.
UI Screenshot for Blog - Django
You can interact with all the files of the framework. The shell provides the ability to interact with the framework in a familiar way. The server log will help you view what’s happening behind the scenes. The output from the frameworks appears in the integrated web preview panel.
We are working extremely hard to bring you the most efficient experience on our platform. Recently, we enhanced the web preview panel by integrating an address bar, improving navigation and usability.
This will further enhance the experience within our web framework environments. Now, you can do more than just preview the output from the framework; you can also navigate to different paths by editing the address in the bar. It includes the standard back and forward buttons for easy navigation. Additionally, if you feel you’ve made too many changes, you can click the reset button to revert to the originally loaded URL.
UI Screenshot for Content - Address bar
Give it a try and let us know if there are any specific features you need!
We have just launched three new multi-file projects for the most commonly used languages. C++, Java and Python.
We are committed to providing the most authentic experience during our interviews. This will open up more opportunities for our users to conduct realistic interviews.
Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 5
You can manage multiple files, install packages via Shell, view output in a separate panel and assess candidates on their code structuring skills. This empowers both interviewers and candidates to delve deeper into complex programming scenarios, mirroring real-life challenges.